findig.context — Request context variables

This module stores request context variables. That is, variables whose values are assigned during the handling of a request and then cleared immediately after the request is done.


With exception of ctx, all of the variables documented here are proxies to attributes of ctx. For example, app is a proxy to

findig.context.ctx = <werkzeug.local.Local object>

A global request context local that can be used by anyone to store data about the current request. Data stored on this object will be cleared automatically at the end of each request and call only be seen on the same thread that set the data. This means that data accessed through this object will only ever be relevant to the current request that is being processed. = <LocalProxy unbound>

The findig.App instance that responded to the request.

findig.context.request = <LocalProxy unbound>

An object representing the current request and a subclass of findig.App.request_class.

findig.context.url_adapter = <LocalProxy unbound>

An object representing a werkzeug.routing.MapAdapter for the current reques that can be used to build URLs.

findig.context.dispatcher = <LocalProxy unbound>

The Dispatcher that registered the resource that the current request is directed to.

findig.context.resource = <LocalProxy unbound>

The AbstractResource that the current request is directed to.

findig.context.url_values = <LocalProxy unbound>

A dictionary of values that have been extracted from the request path by matching it against a URL rule.